You ask "what to do?"

IMO, it's fair to ask "what to think?" but this is none of our business. "What to do?" That's easy -- Hands off!

The US may have arrogated to itself the role of Grand Decider, which governments shall persist and which shall be overthrown. We haven't been very fair or responsible in choosing favorites. Think Ngo Dinh Diem. Think Sukarno and Lumumba and Mosaddegh. We supported and armed Saddam Hussein all during the 1980s when promoting a war against Iran was our geopolitical priority; then we decided that he is an evil dictator and killed him in 1992.

What is fair and just in Eastern Ukraine may be a moral dilemma balanced on a knife edge. But what to do? That's easy. Stay out of this war!

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Perhaps "what to think?" is the better question. When we have a MEP proposing individual sanctions against independent reporter Vanessa Beeley simply for reporting on the existence and apparent fairness of secession elections in the four eastern Ukrainian provinces, it seems thinking (researching, writing) and doing (sanctions are generally considered acts of war) are entangled.

But if, when we publish our ideas on social media, we are standing on the battleground where Ukraine's fate may be decided, perhaps we have a responsibility to get it right or at least to lift up suppressed voices that stand for truth, justice and the way formerly known as American?

What to think?


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